Wolfenstein 3D for PS3

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wolfenstein 3D for PS3

Wolfenstein 3D was the first great first person shooter game that I ever played. Now, Raven Software has released a new version of Wolfenstein for PS3. Wolfenstein
3D is latest next-gen chapter for the original series that started it all. The question is though, will this modern Wolfenstein really offer gamers anything new or only add nostalgic memories of the original?

One thing is for certain though, in Wolfenstein 3D for PS3, we will all be back to blasting Nazi zombies and rabid German Shepards, like the good gamers we are. I'll tell you, I can't wait!

Please watch the trailer for the new Wolfenstein 3D for PS3.

Buy Wolfenstein 3D for PS3 today!

Please feel free to leave you comments about Wolfenstein 3D for PS3.

Video Game Tester

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Have you ever thought about or wanted to become a video game tester? I know I have and that is why I decided to bring you this article on video game testing. Video game testers are in great demand because of skyrocketing growth in the gaming industry both online and with at home entertainment. People are getting hundreds of dollars per video game tester assignment just simply by playing and sharing their views on the latest video games to rock in gaming zones. If you love video games, then you have some of the greatest chances to get fun and interesting jobs as a video game tester.

Where I can I find my video game tester job you ask? Well, finding a video game tester job, is a tough job unless you have some connections with someone in the video game industry. You should be looking to find a person who is related with graphic designing in video games or one who knows someone in video game industry. You need to keep yourself updated with fresh knowledge of the video game industry, ie, you need to know about current game release schedules. There are plenty of games being launched everyday and you should be in touch with that part of the industry.

You should also have extensive knowledge about all the genres in gaming. You love wrestling, but it should not happen that you get perplexed when you have arcade game in front of you to play and to review. People with limited knowledge and love for all the video game tester genres will have a hard time finding work in the video game testing field.

Become a Video Game Tester!

Another thing one must keep in mind is that you must be able to evaluate both the pros and the cons of specific video games. You must be frank about the game and notice what kind of difficulties you had while playing the game. What all can be helpful when trying to overcome all those difficulties and are those solutions easily achievable by the common video game person? And if the video games are based on real events, check out the authenticity of the events that are being described in the game and mark those points that are praiseworthy to you.

You should also be very hip to the latest gadgets and even know a lot about those that are outdated. This will help you in comparing the latest trend in video games with the old tradition and standard of video games, making your opinion superior to others'. The manufacturers and players expect video game testers to compare the previous version or edition of the game and to look forward for forthcoming editions also. This means, you should be able to remember the past video games in the franchise, have a presence of mind for the current demands of the game and have the far-sight to suggest what all can be done to make the current edition better in future editions.

With those all qualities, video game testing can be turned into a very lucrative career and it can make you a lot of money in the process! So do not wait! Get started on your way to becoming a video game tester today!

Click Here to Learn More!

Become a Video Game Tester!

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