Wolfenstein 3D for PS3

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wolfenstein 3D for PS3

Wolfenstein 3D was the first great first person shooter game that I ever played. Now, Raven Software has released a new version of Wolfenstein for PS3. Wolfenstein
3D is latest next-gen chapter for the original series that started it all. The question is though, will this modern Wolfenstein really offer gamers anything new or only add nostalgic memories of the original?

One thing is for certain though, in Wolfenstein 3D for PS3, we will all be back to blasting Nazi zombies and rabid German Shepards, like the good gamers we are. I'll tell you, I can't wait!

Please watch the trailer for the new Wolfenstein 3D for PS3.

Buy Wolfenstein 3D for PS3 today!

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